Let’s begin.

Ready to take the next step? You can book a 30-minute discovery call to explore how we can work together, whether you’re an individual looking for personal growth or a professional seeking to enhance your practice.

If you’re ready to dive in, you can also book a Reset Session directly, available for both individuals and couples.

Choose the option that best fits your needs and let’s get started.

Working with Me

  • Working together is a mutual commitment. I am committed to understanding you deeply and supporting you in meeting your truest, deepest potential.

    We can begin with a Multidimensional Breakthrough Session which allows us to go deep together for 2 hours of excavation of the core patterns, wounds, and potentials in your unique life.

    Should you wish to continue from there, I work in 13* Session Retainers which enables a space of real growth, learning, integration and change.

    *The Multidimensional Breakthrough Session counts as our initial intake session for the larger retainer, and should you decide to move forward within a month of the session, the full cost will be applied to the retainer.

  • For our deeper coaching engagements:

    Most of my clients choose a twice-monthly session cadence which allows for integration and steady application of their breakthroughs into their lives over the course of 6 months.

    In between our sessions, you will be given resources and practices to integrate into your life in your own pace.

    You will also have text and voice-memo access to me, and you can reach out at any time, knowing that I will respond during business hours.

  • I empower my clients with abundant resources to help integrate the work that we do. All of the resources that I share with you, you are welcome to share with any partners you may have. (In fact I encourage it!)

    This helps to support the integration process so your journey is not in isolation.

    I am also happy to meet with your partner either with or without you. This can be arranged within the scope of our 13 session agreement or arranged separately.

  • A 13 session retainer is $3,600 which includes not only our sessions, but text or voice-note based support between sessions during business hours.

    The standard arrangement is a 6 month payment plan, which comes to $600/month.

    I am also happy to offer 9 and 12 month payment plans as needed if that makes this work more accessible to you, bringing the monthly cost to as low as $300/month.

    When this retainer is complete, I offer a few options for ongoing support which we can discuss at any time.

    Note: If you do a Multidimensional Breakthrough Session with me, it serves as our first session of a 13 session retainer, and the full cost is applied to the retainer, bringing the fee to $3,200.

What People Are Saying


  • No, I work with all genders and sexual orientations.

  • I am very passionate about supporting the thriving of marriages, families, and long term partnerships, however this focus is not exclusive.

    I have worked with many people who are preparing for a long term partnership, people who are single by choice, people who are polyamorous / nonmonogamous, and people who are in or seeking more casual relationships.

    The key thing that unites my clients is a belief that their sexual patterns and blocks can be moved through, and a willingness to be honest and present for the journey that will make that possible.

  • Yes and no. The working definition of trauma that I work with is “anything too much, too fast, or too soon for the nervous system to process”.

    By this definition, it is easy to see that anyone living is likely to have some trauma, and may have trauma responses arise through their body when it comes to sex.

    Further, all biological sexual functions are intricately connected with the nervous system, so having an approach that is rooted in a dynamic understanding of the nervous system is instrumental in creating lasting change.

  • Not at all. I meet you where you are.

    Some clients want to stay purely to the neurobiological, relational, and physiological dimensions and I am happy to meet you there.

    Other clients are interested in integrating spiritual practices, either from a Tantra angle or from their own authentic spiritual paths. I’m happy to support the full spectrum.


I’m loving this journey. I’m loving acknowledging that I’m on it. I’m cherishing the difference in it that comes from intentionality.

I’m eternally grateful that our paths have crossed.


For every block I come across in life, every challenge that seems insurmountable, when I meet with Seth, it's all put into perspective and terms that seem entirely manageable. I leave every encounter feeling more regulated, capable, and confident that I can trust myself.