Reset Your Life

Break Free from Old Habits and Step Into Your Authentic Self

Transform your life and relationships in two powerful sessions designed to help you reclaim your past, realign with your true self, and create a future of meaning and fulfillment.

This disconnection doesn’t just affect how you feel—it permeates your relationships, your health, your work, and your overall sense of purpose.

Without realizing it, you might be stuck in patterns that keep you from experiencing the fullness of life and the richness of your relationships.


Whether it’s a sense of drifting in your own life or feeling distant in your relationship, it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day and lose sight of who you truly are and what you deeply desire.

Trusted expertise for lasting change.

With over 15 years of experience in Multidimensional Coaching, I’ve guided countless individuals and couples through transformative journeys of self-discovery, realignment, and deep connection. My approach isn’t just about quick fixes—it’s about deep, lasting change that touches every aspect of your life.

As someone who understands the complexities of human experience across all dimensions—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and sexual—I’ve developed a unique method that integrates growth in all these areas. Whether you’re seeking personal transformation or a renewed connection with your partner, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of clarity, feeling deeply connected to your true self and fully aligned with your values. Your relationships are flourishing as you and your partner connect daily on a profound level, understanding and honoring each other’s needs, desires, and dreams.

The Multidimensional Reset isn’t just about changing your environment or habits—it’s about reclaiming your power and transforming how you see yourself, others, and the world around you.

The Reset allows you to release past guilt, shame, and mistakes—not by surrendering your power, but by reclaiming it.

As you embrace your inner strength, your external circumstances naturally shift.

Life begins to flow with greater ease, and the results you’ve been striving for become not just possible, but inevitable.



    In this 90-minute session, we explore your life through multiple lenses—past, present, and future, as well as Internal, Interpersonal, and Intergenerational.

    This deep dive is more than just talk; it’s a full-body experience that helps you feel into each dimension, allowing you to truly understand how these aspects of your life impact your overall well-being.

  • A week after our initial session, you’ll receive your personalized Multidimensional Game Plan.

    This isn’t just a strategy guide; it’s a comprehensive Playbook that outlines your core values, visions, and actionable steps designed to guide you toward your ideal future in a balanced and regenerative way.

    The planner includes a mix of active and recharging Inputs, ensuring your progress is both effective and harmonious and 100% customized for you.

    Rooted in principles of periodization and systems efficiency, the plan is tailored to help you achieve your goals with clarity and focus.

    You’ll also receive a ritual guide to anchor your transformation and a custom embodied visualization meditation. This meditation is crafted to stabilize and expand your nervous system, supporting you as you step into your new reality with confidence and ease.

  • When you receive your Multidimensional Game Plan, you will receive a link to schedule our second call together.

    In this 90 minute call, you will assume greater leadership in your own life.

    We will review your Game Plan and ensure that you have all that you need to effectively implement all of the insights and inputs from this Reset into your daily life.

  • Session 1 & 2: Individual Sessions

    Each partner will have their own separate 90-minute session where we dive into your individual experiences, values, and aspirations across all life dimensions.

    This isn’t just about your relationship—it’s about getting clear on your own happiness and well-being, which is essential for a thriving partnership.

    The Multidimensional Game Plan for Couples

    Following the individual sessions, you’ll receive a comprehensive Game Plan that blends both your personal and shared goals. It includes actionable steps for individual growth, as well as activities designed to enhance your relationship.

    The Game Plan also features a ritual guide tailored to your unique relationship to enhance intimacy and connection. This ritual guide may draw from the field of trauma-informed sexology and Tantra. It will fully reflect your unique personal backgrounds and passions.

    Session 3: Shared Game Plan Integration

    With your Multidimensional Game Plan in hand, you will come together for a shared session where we integrate your individual plans into a unified vision.

    This session is about aligning your paths and creating a shared roadmap for your relationship.

    You’ll also formulate vows and develop your personalized ritual that will serve as a powerful reset, allowing you to start fresh and embark on this new chapter together, fully aligned and ready to build the life you envision and both deserve.

  • The Reset on its own can be life changing.

    It can also reveal powerful areas of potential growth within your life.

    Because the Reset is an adaptation of my thorough intake process for my 6-month coaching containers, I am happy to offer a complete application of the cost of the reset to a coaching engagement if you decide that you'd like deeper coaching within a month of Session Two.

    My coaching clients receive unlimited voice memo and text support from me during business hours in between sessions.

    I am profoundly dedicated to the success and thriving of my clients. To learn more about this structure of deep, multidimensional support, click here.

Hear from individuals and couples who have transformed their lives and relationships through the Multidimensional Reset. These stories highlight the profound shifts that are possible when you commit to this journey.

  • I felt stuck in the same routines, just going through the motions without any real purpose. The Reset gave me the clarity and tools I needed to break free of old patterns. Now, every day feels intentional, and I’m moving toward my goals with confidence and excitement.

    - JG

  • We were drifting apart, overwhelmed by the demands of parenting and work and unsure how to reconnect. The Relationship Reset gave us the space to rediscover each other and our shared vision. We’ve come out of this experience not just as partners but as a team, deeply connected and aligned.

    - K & J

  • I used to struggle with inconsistency, constantly starting new projects but never following through. The Multidimensional Reset grounded me in routines that have become second nature. Now, I’m finally seeing the progress I’ve always wanted, and it feels sustainable.

    - JA

  • Our communication had broken down, and it felt like we were always misunderstanding each other. Doing the Relationship Reset with Seth helped us get on the same page, and the rituals we created have brought us closer than ever. We’re now navigating life’s challenges together with love and understanding and much more intimacy.

    - M & S

  • I felt disconnected from my purpose and unsure of where I was heading in life. The Multidimensional Game Planner provided a clear path forward, and the rituals we designed have anchored me in my true self. I’m living with a sense of direction and fulfillment that I’d lost touch with.

    - AD

  • We were both feeling unfulfilled in our relationship but didn’t know how to fix it. The Reset sessions helped us identify what was missing in ourselves and in our relationship and how to address it and communicate it to each other. We’re now more in sync than ever, and our relationship feels so much more authentic to who we really are.

    - G & W

The Multidimensional Reset

is an investment in your future—a structured, guided process to help you reset your life or relationship at a foundational level.


Individual Reset

  • A 90-minute Reset Session to explore and realign your life across all dimensions.

  • Your personalized Multidimensional Game Planner and Playbook integrating all of the insights and inputs that arose during your session.

  • A ritual guide crafted 100% for you to bring your values and visions for your life into daily reality.

  • A custom Embodied Visualization Meditation designed to support your nervous system’s transition into this new chapter of your life, helping you integrate and sustain the changes.

  • A 90-minute session for integration and application of the insights and inputs detailed in your Game Plan.


Relationship Reset

  • Individual 90-minute Reset Sessions for each partner to explore individual experiences, values, and aspirations.

  • A Multidimensional Game Plan and Playbook for your relationship, integrating insights and inputs from your individual sessions.

  • A ritual guide tailored to your relationship, including practices to deepen your intimacy and connection.

  • A custom Embodied Visualization Meditation designed to help both of you move forward together with clarity and strength.

  • A shared 90-minute follow-up session to integrate your plans and ensure they will truly work to support your relationship’s thriving.

Ready to begin your transformation? Here’s how it works:

  1. Book Your Session: Use the scheduler below to choose the date and time that works best for you for Session One.

  2. Complete the Pre-Session Intake Form: After booking, you’ll fill out a brief form to share important information ahead of our session. This helps us make the most of our 90-minute call.

  3. Prepare for Your Session: Reflect on your current situation and goals as we prepare to dive deep into your life or relationship.

  4. Receive Your Game Planner: After our session, you’ll receive your personalized Multidimensional Game Planner, designed to guide you through your next steps.

  5. Integrate + Apply: Our Second Session is for you to step into greater ownership and leadership within your life. We can cover anything at all that will support you in applying the insights and guidance from this process into your life in a practical, sustainable way.

  6. Start Living Your New Life: With your plan in hand and actionable steps laid out, you’ll be ready to embrace the change and start living the life you’ve envisioned.


What to expect, how the process works, and how the Multidimensional Reset can benefit you and your relationship.

  • During the sessions, we’ll dive deep into various aspects of your life or relationship, exploring them from multiple perspectives—past, present, and future.

    The process is both reflective and interactive, combining guided discussions with exercises designed to help you connect your mind and body.

    You’ll leave each session with clarity, actionable steps, and a personalized plan to move forward.

  • The Multidimensional Reset goes beyond traditional coaching by addressing not just your goals and challenges, but also your overall well-being across all life dimensions—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even sexual.

    It’s a holistic approach that integrates your personal experiences, relationships, and aspirations into a comprehensive plan for transformation.

    Unlike traditional coaching, it also includes custom rituals and meditations designed to support your nervous system and help you maintain lasting change.

  • The Multidimensional Game Planner is your personalized guidebook for transformation.

    It includes a detailed breakdown of your core values, visions, and actionable steps—both active and recharging inputs—that are tailored to help you achieve your goals in a balanced way.

    The planner also features a ritual guide and a custom embodied visualization meditation, which are designed to anchor your progress and support your journey.

  • In the couples session, each partner has an individual session to explore their personal experiences, values, and aspirations.

    This will create the foundation for a shared roadmap, unique vows, and a personalized ritual to reset and strengthen your connection.

    We then bring you together to integrate these into a unified vision for your relationship.

    This process not only helps you realign as a couple but also supports each partner’s individual growth within the relationship.

  • The Multidimensional Reset is designed to be a powerful standalone experience, but many clients choose to continue working with me for ongoing support.

    If you decide to enroll in my one-on-one coaching program, the cost of your Reset Session ($400 for individuals, $600 for couples) will be credited toward the full program.

    This way, your investment in the Reset becomes the foundation for deeper, continued transformation.

  • The Multidimensional Reset is ideal for anyone feeling stuck, disconnected, or in need of a fresh start—whether in your personal life or relationship. If you’re ready to explore all dimensions of your life, let go of past patterns, and create a clear, actionable plan for your future, this program is for you. It’s especially powerful for those seeking a holistic approach to personal growth and relational alignment.

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