Health, Wellness, and Fitness

Professionals + Organizations


There are big gaps in the health, wellness, and fitness industries.

Our professional trainings don’t adequately prepare us to run businesses in this complex and quickly changing world. They also often fail to appropriately prepare us to meet our clients in the full complexity of their unique traumas, physiology, psychosomatic needs, and sexual Not to mention addressing the role that sexual energy plays in every single dimension of our clients lives.

These gaps result in ineffective treatments, client dissatisfaction, and professional burnout.

How Would It Feel
to Have Total Confidence
in Your Practice?

Ask yourself:

  • Am I equipped to handle trauma in my clients?

  • Do I have a deep understanding of somatics and physiology?

  • Are my communication skills enhancing my client relationships?

  • Do I recognize different nervous system states when they arise in myself and my clients?

  • Am I able to see the whole picture of my client’s life, or am I segmenting them up into symptoms and parts?

  • Does my business model reflect my core values?

  • Does my branding and marketing feel authentic to me and the experience I create for my clients?

  • Is my business evolving with my vision?

If you find gaps in these areas,
it’s time to evolve.

Professional Development for Practitioners

in Health, Fitness, + Wellness

We help physicians, therapists, coaches, and fitness professionals and businesses improve the efficacy and impact of their practice by enhancing their skills to match the complex needs of their clients and patients.

Our approach deeply supports your small service-based business to grow with integrity in a highly competitive field.

Your continued growth, learning, and evolution

are key to your business thriving

and your client’s results

leading to true well-being.


What We Offer:

  • Broaden and Deepen your Skillset: We weave together systems theory, nervous system knowledge, trauma-informed care, and holistic sexology to supplement the foundation your professional development has already laid. These interconnected areas of human experience are essential, but often under-developed in our professional and clinical trainings.

  • Regenerative Development: Apply proven and effective principles to your business design, marketing, and client relationships for effective and ethical growth.

  • Professional Growth: Enhance your services, deepen client connections, and expand your capabilities with this multidimensional mentorship and support.

Customized Support

Finding your way in business, especially as someone who just wants to help people is hard. We’ve found again and again that it’s as much about psychospiritual development and growing maturity as it is about skills and strategies.

This uncomfortable truth means that we often need the help of people who are a little bit further along the road than us. We are forever grateful for the mentors, teachers, and coaches we have had along the way. We have distilled a wide range of strategies and bodies of work into an approach that is ethically grounded and clearly rooted in our values. We want the same for you.

Bespoke Business Guidance:

Tailored strategies to hone your market positioning and leverage your unique gifts, especially for online businesses.

Comprehensive Training:

Support in developing a solid, integrity-driven practice through continuous education and personalized coaching.

What We Bring

With very different backgrounds, we have honed our ability to work together as partners in business, life, marriage, and parenthood while constantly asking big questions of how to creatively do all of it in a way that is deeply aligned with our values.

You will have both of us in your corner along the way.

Ganga Devi Braun: I have always been driven to make deep impact in the world, but have also always been all too aware of the harms caused by business as usual. This is why I’ve sought out the training and direct experience of Regenerative Development and Design. 

I apply the wisdom and frameworks of the Regenesis Lineage I have studied under into practical application for micro businesses and small businesses, ensuring viability, vitality, and evolution for the long term.

Seth Kaufmann: With extensive leadership experience across a wide range of positions within fitness, health, and wellness, I know intimately the pitfalls, challenges, limitations, and potentials of these industries.

I am on a mission to make a massive positive impact in these fields by supporting other mission-driven founders and practitioners operate with greater integrity, ethics, and efficacy in truly creating a multidimensional healing container for our clients.

  • Lisa K. MA, LPCA

    I can’t thank Seth enough for recognizing things in me that I chalked up to arrogance or ego or wishful thinking. We need each other’s wisdom and affirmations. We need to share those wins with others. We need to etch them in our hearts for courage and power moving forward.

    I’m loving this journey. I’m loving acknowledging that I’m on it. I’m cherishing the difference in it that comes from intentionality.

    I’m eternally grateful that our paths have crossed.

  • R. B., MD

    My medical practice can be very stressful. Having Seth in my corner as my coach and sounding board over the years has been invaluable to my mental health, my physical health, and the way I show up for my patients.

  • R. F., PA

    I worked with Seth in a focused container of 3 months while preparing to open a new clinic that stretched my capacity beyond what I had ever previously done before. Having Seth’s presence and support during that phase was so grounding, clarifying, and supportive in all areas of my life.

  • N. P., Gym Owner

    Seth has been an incredible mentor for me over the years. I tell my entire team often that getting my start in this industry with Seth’s guidance has made all the difference in the world.

Let’s Talk.

We’d be happy to meet with you for either a quick chat to feel if we’re a good fit, or a deeper consultation if you know that you’re ready to dive in with me.

Should we mutually want to move forward from there, a custom scope for an extended engagement will be developed based on your distinctive needs and phase of your career.

What you’ll gain

  • It is absolutely essential that practitioners understand the role of trauma and the nervous system in the embodied experience of their clients. Being Trauma-Informed goes beyond intellectual understanding of these dynamics, and requires the skillset to dynamically and effectively respond to the full range of hypo and hyper activated nervous system states in the present moment as they arise with clients and patients.

    A key element is understanding and compassionately working with these states when and as they arise in you.

  • You will have so much more success and confidence in your business when you know that your foundation is stabilized by your core values through and through.

    The foundations of an ethical business include clarity of your scope and value proposition and boundaries that protect you and your client.

    This foundation can and should evolve throughout your professional life, as you yourself will grow and change, and what you have to offer will change and expand.

    But it's often hard to see yourself clearly.

    We're here to see you and support you in this process.

  • Our formal education and trainings too often reflect the dominant culture’s greatest flaw: looking at pieces instead of the whole.

    Cultivating Multidimensional & Systemic Thinking is a powerful change of worldview, and the way you understand and support your clients and patients will be just as transformed as your own life.

  • Communication is a skill that can absolutely be developed, and as it is, you will discover deeper efficacy with all other skills you possess.

    The greatest communication (and leadership) skill is true listening.

    Your clients feeling more deeply heard and understood by you will establish a truly healing relationship based on affinity and trust.

  • Somatic healing is more than just a buzzword. It's the key to real, embodied change. It's the key to deep and lasting trauma resolution.

    We are entering an era where the importance of somatic awareness and the potential for somatic healing is only going to grow.

    It is essential that we as practitioners be able to support our clients in moving through the sensations that arise and move through their bodies in real time, and as connected with the deeper goals they have come to us for.

  • Understanding the interconnected systems of the human body is a benefit for any practitioner.

    I will gladly support you in fleshing out your understanding of human anatomy to ensure you are navigating your clients’ physical needs with appropriate depth of knowledge.

    For fitness coaches in particular, know that there is always so much more to learn. I see trainers and coaches doing more harm than good to their clients every day and

Areas of Focus

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Practitioner

It is absolutely essential that practitioners understand the role of trauma and the nervous system in the embodied experience of their clients. Being Trauma-Informed goes beyond intellectual understanding of these dynamics, and requires the skillset to dynamically and effectively respond to the full range of hypo and hyper activated nervous system states in the present moment as they arise with clients and patients.

A key element is understanding and compassionately working with these states when and as they arise in you.

Somatic Skills

Somatic healing is more than just a buzzword. We are entering an era where the importance of somatic awareness and the potential for somatic healing is only going to grow, and it is essential that we as practitioners be able to support our clients in moving through the sensations that arise and move through their bodies in real time, and as connected with the deeper goals they have come to us for.

Multidimensional & Systemic Thinking

Our formal education and trainings too often reflect the dominant culture’s greatest flaw: looking at pieces instead of the whole.

Cultivating Multidimensional & Systemic Thinking is a powerful change of worldview, and the way you understand and support your clients and patients will be just as transformed as your own life.

Communication Skills

Communication is a skill that can absolutely be developed, and as it is, you will discover deeper efficacy with all other skills you possess.

The greatest communication skill is true listening.

Your clients feeling more deeply heard and understood by you will establish a truly healing relationship based on affinity and trust.

Physiology Knowledge Base

Understanding the interconnected systems of the human body is a benefit for any practitioner. I will gladly support you in fleshing out your understanding of human anatomy to ensure you are navigating your clients’ physical needs with appropriate depth of knowledge.