Multidimensional Living

Life has infinite dimensions- these are the three through which I frame everything I teach my clients and community-

Your Journey Within

The Internal dimension focuses on the self, helping you cultivate a deeper understanding and connection with Your Authentic Self. This dimension is about self-awareness, personal Integrity, and healing. We provide tools and practices that address:

  • Self-Discovery: Uncover and embrace your true self through introspection and mindfulness practices.

  • Emotional Regulation: Learn to manage your emotions effectively using techniques from our Understanding Trauma & The Nervous System framework.

  • Energy Management: Harness and balance your sexual and life energy with our O P E N & ACTIVE Framework, integrating dynamic and balanced masculine and feminine energies.

By working on your internal dimension, you lay the foundation for a more balanced, fulfilling life, enabling you to face challenges with resilience and clarity.

Building Stronger Connections

The Interpersonal dimension emphasizes the importance of relationships and effective communication. It’s about how we relate to others, resolve conflicts, and build meaningful connections. Our frameworks in this dimension include:

  • Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to create shared reality and understanding in your relationships.

  • Relational Healing: Address past wounds and cultivate healthier relationships through Inner Child Healing & Reparenting practices.

  • Empathy and Understanding: Explore the Jung Framework to understand the unseen factors and archetypes that influence your behavior and interactions.

By improving your interpersonal skills, you create more harmonious and supportive relationships, leading to greater mutual understanding and connection.

Creating a Lasting Legacy

The Intergenerational dimension is about understanding your place in the continuum of past, present, and future. It’s where you consider the legacy you want to leave and the impact you want to make on future generations. Our focus includes:

  • Legacy Planning: Reflect on the values and teachings you wish to pass on, guided by principles like Bodhicitta and Tikkun Olam.

  • Cultural and Spiritual Wisdom: Integrate practices that honor your heritage and contribute to a sustainable and compassionate world.

  • Future Visioning: Set long-term goals that align with your vision for future generations.

Engaging with the intergenerational dimension helps you create a meaningful legacy that embodies your deepest values and aspirations, positively influencing the world for generations to come.

Multidimensional Coaching:

Addressing the Entire Spectrum of Your Life

As a multidimensional coach, I leverage my unique and diverse backgrounds to provide Holistic Systems Coaching, addressing every aspect of your well-being.

Think of me as a Swiss army knife, equipped to assist you in multiple dimensions of life, ensuring a truly integrated and regenerative approach to personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Physical fitness is no longer my primary focus, however I have helped thousands of people safely and joyfully meet and exceed their physical goals, and I bring that experience and knowledge to all of my clients as needed. My expertise in this dimension, coupled with a focus on longevity, allows me to provide valuable insights and resources.

    Through personalized fitness guidance and Frameworks including the Guide to Empowered Eating—a comprehensive guide that promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to eating— I will help you treat your body like a temple, the sacred vessel it is, ensuring you live a long, healthy life with the people you love.

  • Mental and emotional fitness is crucial for navigating life's challenges with clarity and balance. I offer guided meditations (EVMs) to support your mental and emotional well-being, which deepens somatic awareness of your present-moment emotional state. We also focus on mindset and willpower training to build your mental resilience, helping you to overcome obstacles and maintain a positive, adaptive outlook on life.

  • Connecting with a deeper purpose and sense of meaning is essential in life. I meet you where you are—whether observantly religious, spiritual, atheist, or somewhere in between. As a Jewish, Buddhist, agnostic, and pragmatic Interspiritual Minister, I can explore various systems and philosophies with you.

    Most importantly, we can create personalized rituals and practices that resonate with you. The way you cultivate inner peace and contentment can and should be authentic to you.

  • Sexual energy is a powerful aspect of your overall vitality. We focus on understanding, healing, and harnessing this energy, integrating your desires, and enhancing intimacy. By magnifying pleasure and bliss, I help you achieve greater personal fulfillment and satisfaction in your relationships, starting with yourself.

For more about my background and experience, visit my About page.

Practical Wisdom Frameworks

All of the educational information I bring to my work is organized into clear, beautifully designed, memorable frameworks that are presented in slide-deck style PDFs, and printable on request.

These frameworks were designed to make teaching these concepts incredibly easy; in fact, as a part of your learning process I encourage you to share them with your family and loved ones and grow together.

Our Multidimensional Game Planner is a pivotal tool in our work together. This planner helps you translate your visions into actionable steps, ensuring you make steady progress towards your goals. It integrates principles of periodization and systems efficiency, making it easier to navigate the complexities of life and maintain momentum.

Self-Paced Courses

The V’s

The Trauma Informed Lover

Embodied Visualization Meditations

Embodied Visualization Meditations (EVMs) blend somatic awareness with guided visualization to promote deep personal transformation. This practice connects your mind and body, cultivating clarity, balance, and empowerment.

  1. Holistic Integration: By visualizing your intentions while being aware of your body, you create a powerful synergy that enhances your ability to achieve your goals.

  2. Nervous System Regulation: EVMs help you listen to your nervous system, promoting relaxation and resilience, bringing harmony to your mind and body.

  3. Emotional Healing: These meditations offer a safe space to explore and release stored emotions, leading to emotional balance and self-understanding.

EVMs guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you uncover and embrace your authentic self. This practice empowers you to make conscious, aligned decisions that resonate with your true desires and values. Experience the transformative power of EVMs and align your mind, body, and spirit.

My wife, Ganga Devi Braun, and I have dedicated our lives to guiding others towards fulfilling their deepest potential. Ganga Devi is not only my partner in life but also a Living Systems Theorist, Regenerative Practitioner, and Ontological Designer. Her unique insights and compassionate approach have been instrumental in shaping our collective vision and all of the methods you’ll find here in my work have been co-developed with her.

To know me + my methods is to know my brilliant wife.

Together, Ganga Devi and I have created EMUNAH Multidimensional Living—a portal for learning and a connection that integrates regenerative practices and a trauma-informed perspective.

Our mission is to help you navigate the complexities of modern existence with consciousness and conscientiousness, honoring the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. EMUNAH offers a sanctuary for those seeking deeper connection, personal growth, and more pleasure in their lives.

Right now, EMUNAH is in beta and is invitation-only. 

All of our private clients get an automatic invitation to EMUNAH, and all asynchronous client communications happen within the platform, including DMs and Voice Memo exchanges.






Psycho ~ Somatic ~ Cybernetics ⟡

Learn our foundational framework for our Psycho-Somatic-Cybernetics methodology and receive our Envision A Day meditation to help you clarify and embody the visions that you have for your future.