Trauma-Informed Lover

Become a better, more confident lover by understanding and proactively working with the nervous system in your sex life.

Have you or a lover ever frozen up suddenly and not been able to communicate what’s going on?

These moments can leave each of you feeling frustrated, confused and concerned you did something wrong.

This course is designed to take the guesswork out of your sexual encounters by providing a deep and strong foundation of understanding how trauma, the nervous system, and sex are deeply intertwined with one another, and providing you with knowledge and skills that will help you meet those moments with confidence and connection.

Instant access to 3.5 hours of self-paced audio, video, + PDF material that will improve your sex life forever.

  • So you can know without a doubt that you are bringing your lover more pleasure than harm.

  • So that you can understand and skillfully respond to a wide range of trauma triggers that come up in sex.

  • So you can deepen pleasure and connection no matter what arises.

  • So that you can meet your lovers with skillful presence and deep understanding.

  • So that you can provide deeper levels of pleasure through presence.

  • So that you, and they, can experience the healing power of sex.

I believe everyone should be trauma-informed in every area of their lives, and nowhere is more important than in the bedroom.

Painful Realities

Did you know that estimates say that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime? This is a conservative number due to vast under-reporting.

This means that it is incredibly likely that you or the lovers you will have in your lifetime are carrying sexual trauma.

Often, the longer a relationship progresses, the more likely old wounds will come up to be healed.

Whether you’re looking for partnership, enjoying casual sex, or deepening into the love of your life, becoming a Trauma Informed Lover is a vital skillset that will empower your sex life forever.

What You’ll Learn

    • Learn how trauma affects the nervous system and sexual response.

    • Discover techniques for co-regulation to build safety and connection.

    • Learn Homing Breath and Tantric Union Breath to deepen your connection with yourself and your partner.

    • Use breath to release stored tension and enhance sexual pleasure.

    • Develop skills in nonviolent communication to better express and hear desires, boundaries, and needs.

    • Learn principles of sexual communication to ensure mutual consent and satisfaction.

    • Explore detailed anatomy of sexual organs and understand different types of orgasms.

    • Learn about the stages of arousal and how to maximize pleasure at each stage.

    • Utilize mindfulness, touch, and pleasure as tools for healing trauma.

    • Discover how to create a safe and empathetic sexual environment.

This is for you if…

  • You’ve struggled with relationship anxiety for years and are ready to make a change.

  • You know that you and/or your partner have some trauma and are ready for healing.

  • You’re committed to personal growth and want to deepen your intimate connections.

  • You’re looking for practical, trauma-informed techniques to enhance your sexual and emotional intimacy.

You’ll walk away with… 

  • The sex education you deserve but never received.

  • A deeper understanding of how trauma impacts intimacy.

  • Practical tools to enhance sexual pleasure and emotional connection.

  • Improved communication skills for healthier relationships.

  • Greater confidence and presence in intimate moments.

  • A holistic approach to sexual and emotional well-being.

Your Guide

Seth Kaufmann is deeply passionate about bridging the worlds of sexology and trauma-informed care. With an MS in Physiology, and a graduate of the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, the only accredited Tantra + Sexology institute in North America, he bridges the worlds of science, spirituality, and sexuality with deep care and dedication to integrity and efficacy in all that he does.

A seasoned coach of more than 20 years, Seth is passionate about guiding people to deeper connection, healing, and fulfillment in their sexual and emotional lives.


  • You will receive immediate access to all course materials.

  • Immediately upon enrollment.

  • Yes, with lifetime access to updates.

  • We (Seth and Ganga Devi) created this because it makes connections and gives guidance that we've never seen done anywhere else.

    In fact, we intend to publish this as a book, but the course format allows us to offer multimedia guidance and respond to your questions in a way that isn't possible with a book.

    Making this accessible to a wide range of learning styles so it can really be absorbed well by you is our #1 goal here.

  • Yes, and we've created the option below to purchase the course and receive a 75 minute coaching call with Seth.

Ready to become a Trauma Informed Lover?


Self-Paced Course

Everything described above, which includes the bonus material of the Multisensory Lover, an experience design workbook you can do solo or with your lover to communicate, prepare for, and deliver the deepest pleasurable experiences you desire.


Course + Coaching

Everyone’s needs, desires, and challenges are unique, and this is an opportunity to receive one 75 minute coaching session from me to provide deep reflection and support for you in your journey toward becoming a Trauma Informed Lover.